
Terms & Condition


Trading Elevation is registered with The Registrar of Companies for England and Wales, with Company Number; 11176233, and also Registered with the US Security and Exchange Commission; SEC#: 801-68485, CRD#; 145463. We provide a Unique global preceptive through our global market and sector knowledge. This put us in an excellent position to address the increasing global need of our clients. Investors should be aware of the laws and regulations pertaining to listed In the state

of New York and the United Kingdom before contemplating investment in such instruments.

Investors should also be aware of the laws and regulations pertinent to their domicile when contemplating transactions in securities discussed in this report. Securities discussed in this report may or may not have been registered under the US Securities laws or any other laws pertaining to the investor's domicile.

1. Neither the information nor any opinion expressed on this website constitutes an offer, or an invitation to make an offer, to buy or sell any securities or any options, futures, or other derivatives related to such securities. Trading Elevation has endeavored to ensure the accuracy of the information contained on this website but cannot warrant its timeline's accuracy, completeness relevance, or validity. We expressly disclaim any warranties or claims of fitness for use of this website for advisory, investment purposes, or investment service purposes by either the intended recipient or any other party.

2. This website is prepared for general viewing and is provided for general information only.

3. It does not have regard to the specific investment objectives, financial situation, and the particular needs of any specific person who may receive this report.

4. It does not purport to offer investment advice. Investors should consult their advisors and seek financial advice regarding the appropriateness of investing in any securities or investment strategies discussed or recommended in this report and should understand that statements and expectations regarding future prospects may not be realized.

5. Investors should note that income from such securities, if any, may fluctuate and that each security’s price or value may rise or fall. Accordingly, investors may receive back less than originally invested. Past performance is not necessarily a guide to future performance. The behavior of the Dollars and other exchange rates may affect the value, price, or income of the shares mentioned in our findings.

6. In addition, investors in depositary receipts backed by securities discussed in this report, whose values are influenced by the currency of the underlying security, effectively assume currency risk. The publication by Trading Elevation of this website does not imply or constitute a commitment to update or keep current any information on this website. Trading Elevation does not undertake to update this report or to make available data that arise post the publication of reports.

7. The publication of this website does not imply the disclosure of all information that is available to Trading Elevation . Further information may be made available on request. The contents of this website are subject to copyright and recipients should not reproduce or disseminate any content or findings of this report without the express permission of Trading Elevation .

Client complaints policy

Policy Statement

Trading Elevation is dedicated to ensuring that all complaints received are resolved as quickly as possible in a fair and equitable manner.

How to lodge a complaint

Please lodge your complaint in writing to our client service department –support@elitetradeglobal.com

The complaint should contain sufficient details including:

* The client details and the policy, account, or member numbers that relate to the complaint;

* specific details about the nature of the complaint e.g. facts, dates, and supporting documentation (i.e. letters, quotations, previous correspondence, etc.) to enable us to deal with the complaint quickly and fairly;

* proof of any losses sustained;

* the solution / remedial action you believe is required to resolve the complaint.

Complaints resolution

We will acknowledge receipt of the complaint in writing as soon as possible after receiving the complaint.

Where any complaint received pertains to something out of our control, e.g. product information or investment performance we will forward the complaint to the product provider concerned and where possible facilitate the resolution process.

We will also investigate the complaint to ascertain whether the complaint can be resolved immediately.

* If the complaint can be resolved immediately, we will take the necessary action and advise accordingly.

* If the complaint cannot be resolved immediately we will send you a written summary of the steps to be taken to resolve the matter and the expected date of resolution.

The complaint will be investigated and we will revert with our findings within three working days.

In the event that you are not satisfied with our solution, you may refer the complaint to the complaint officer of Trading Elevation who may amend the solution or confirm it.

After the complaint has been referred to our CEO and you are still not satisfied with the outcome, we will regard the complaint as being unsatisfactorily resolved. You may under such circumstances approach the office of the Ombud for Financial Services Providers or take such other steps as may be advised by your legal representatives.

Unresolved complaints

In instances where we have not been able to arrive at a resolution within six weeks after you have lodged your complaint to us, the matter may automatically be referred to the Ombudsman. Such a matter must be referred to the Ombudsman within a period of six months.

The Ombudsman will not adjudicate in matters exceeding a value of $50,000.00.

Conflict of interest policy

Trading Elevation is committed to avoiding and where this is not possible mitigating any conflict of interest that may arise between ourselves, as a financial services provider, and our clients when rendering a financial service.

Where such a conflict of interest cannot be avoided the situation will be explained to the affected client(s).

A copy of the complete policy can be requested from support@elitetradeglobal.com